Wednesday, February 25, 2009


In the movie Gran Torino there is a premonition. The little boy that was helping the old guy knew that something bad was going to happen to the old guy. The old guy was going to confront his cousins gang. The kid later found out that the old guy got shot and is dead.
The little boys premonition came true. Something very bad happened. This could of easily of been prevented if they would of just called the cops about the gang harassing him. But in stead the old guy thought that he had to solve the problem him self.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


A movie that revolves around one of Shakespeare plays is SuperBad. In SuperBad Fogell has a fake I.D made for him. This I.D says that he is age 21 and his name is McLovin. Fogell uses his fake identity to by alcohol for him and his friends.
This movie is related to Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night. Is both the play and the movie mistaken identity is used. I don't think Shakespeare had any influence on the movie producers of SuperBad. Most movies now follow one of the three plots used by Shakespeare.

Monday, February 16, 2009


When we first started watching the movie I found it hard to understand what they were saying. As the movie went on I could understand bits and pieces of the movie. With those bits and pieces I could mostly figure out what was happening. There was some parts when alot was happening in one part which made the movie hard to understand.
I have herd alot about Romeo and Juliet. I'm not really sure what to expect. I think that the book might be hard to understand and follow through out. I hope that it I will be able to follow along and understand what is happening.