Thursday, June 11, 2009

10 things vs The Taming

1. Lucentio wants to get married to Bianca but cant till her older sister gets married.
2. Lucentio has someone get close to to Biancas older sister so he can marry Bianca.
3. The guy that Lucentio hires ends up falling in love with Biancas older sister.
4. Both movie and book show a theme of love.
5. Both show that woman are just as powerful in relationships as men.
6. Both Katherina and Kat and made fun of for who they are.
7. Situations are choices that have to be made are the same.
8. Characters and relationship between them are the same in the book and movie.
9. Fathers don't let them do anything till their older sisters get a date.
10. Both girls become and nice and more lady like by the end.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

O Brother

My favorite part in the movie was when they wake up on river and see that Pete is gone but his clothes are there. The funny part is when the Delmar says that they left his heart. When they go and actually check its a toad. Another funny thing about that part is when Delmar is chasing the frog in the water and can't catch it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Epic simile

Waiting for the last day of school is like waiting to go to college, like waiting for the clock to strike 5:00 so you can go home, like waiting for a new president, like a little kid counting the days off till Christmas.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I started my research not knowing what to expect for 1930's noble prize winners. I didn't think there would be very many. I was shocked when I googled it and found out that there actually was quite a few. I'm not sure if this project will be easy or hard.
Hopefully it will turn out that this project was easy. I don't know anything about the 1930's really especially noble prize winners. Who knows I might even learn something from this project.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I found this video on youtube. I searched for A pair of star crossed lovers. I have no idea what movie this is from but it relates to Romeo and Juliet. There is a guy and a girl who want to be together but they keep getting separated.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


In the movie Star Wars III these two characters are together but they get spilt up many times due to complications. This is similar to Romeo and Juliet because they want to be together but they can't. At then end of the movie they both end up dieing. This is similar to Romeo and Juliet because they both kill them selves at the end of the book.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Act 2

The scene that I found most interesting is when Romeo climbed over the wall and found Juliet on the balcony talking about him. Romeo was looking for Juliet and just happened to find her. Juliet was talking to her self about how she wishes Romeo was someone else and not a Montague so they could be together. Then Romeo starts talking to her which scares her because she did not expect anyone to be listening especially Romeo. They later plan that they want to get married very soon.
I think this scene will greatly impact the story. If Romeo wouldn't of found Juliet they may not of hooked up. This is also going to start a huge war between the Montague's and the Capulet's once every one finds out that they are married. Even though the love each other they shouldn't of gotten married. They should of just kept their relationship on the low.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Characters in Romeo and Juliet

One character that stands out is Tybolt. He seems like a very angry person. He is always saying negative things. At one point he says that he hates the word peace. When Romeo arrived at the Capulet party Tybolt said that he wanted to kill him.
If I met Tybolt I think he would have shaggy black hair, piercings, and tattoos. I don't think he would have to many friends because he would probably be a jerk and would always start trouble. He would also probably be pretty tall. I do not know anyone like Tybolt.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


In the movie Gran Torino there is a premonition. The little boy that was helping the old guy knew that something bad was going to happen to the old guy. The old guy was going to confront his cousins gang. The kid later found out that the old guy got shot and is dead.
The little boys premonition came true. Something very bad happened. This could of easily of been prevented if they would of just called the cops about the gang harassing him. But in stead the old guy thought that he had to solve the problem him self.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


A movie that revolves around one of Shakespeare plays is SuperBad. In SuperBad Fogell has a fake I.D made for him. This I.D says that he is age 21 and his name is McLovin. Fogell uses his fake identity to by alcohol for him and his friends.
This movie is related to Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night. Is both the play and the movie mistaken identity is used. I don't think Shakespeare had any influence on the movie producers of SuperBad. Most movies now follow one of the three plots used by Shakespeare.

Monday, February 16, 2009


When we first started watching the movie I found it hard to understand what they were saying. As the movie went on I could understand bits and pieces of the movie. With those bits and pieces I could mostly figure out what was happening. There was some parts when alot was happening in one part which made the movie hard to understand.
I have herd alot about Romeo and Juliet. I'm not really sure what to expect. I think that the book might be hard to understand and follow through out. I hope that it I will be able to follow along and understand what is happening.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Disturbing Animal Farm

The saddest part of animal farm is when Napoleon chased snowball of the farm. This is sad because of Snowball was still around everything would be different. Life on the farm would be a whole lot better and easier. All the animals would enjoy their life more if snowball was still around.
The whole book could of been different if Snowball was still around. Napoleon is a terrible and mean leader. He manipulates all of the other animals. He changes everything and has squealer convinse the other animals that he is right. The animals are stupid. I thought be now that the animals would of figured out that Napoleon lies about everything.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Animal Farm

I like the book. I haven't read many books where the book is all about animals. It is good to read something different. So far the book is really funny, how Mr. Jones got his farm stolen from animals.
Some characters I like and others I don't. I don't like Napoleon. He is mean. He tricked all the animal into thinking Snowball is bad animal. He blames everything that goes wrong on Snowball. I like boxer because he is a good guy, he does all the work. He doesn't want people to get yelled at so he gets up early in the morning to make up the work from the day before.