Saturday, March 14, 2009

Act 2

The scene that I found most interesting is when Romeo climbed over the wall and found Juliet on the balcony talking about him. Romeo was looking for Juliet and just happened to find her. Juliet was talking to her self about how she wishes Romeo was someone else and not a Montague so they could be together. Then Romeo starts talking to her which scares her because she did not expect anyone to be listening especially Romeo. They later plan that they want to get married very soon.
I think this scene will greatly impact the story. If Romeo wouldn't of found Juliet they may not of hooked up. This is also going to start a huge war between the Montague's and the Capulet's once every one finds out that they are married. Even though the love each other they shouldn't of gotten married. They should of just kept their relationship on the low.

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