Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My first impression of Boo Radely is that hey is a creepy person that know one know much about. I don't think the rumors are true because no one has seen him since he was a kid so no one knows any thing about him for sure. I think that Boo could actually be a really nice person and no one knows it because he wont leave his house. I hope Boo leaves his house because i want to find out more about him.

I find my self more like Dill. I think I am more like dill because I would rather dare some one to do something then actually do the dare. I don't think that i would go and touch a guys house that no one knows and says that he would kill you if you even stepping on his property. "Now you tell your father not to teach you any more. It's best to begin reading with a fresh mind. You tell him I'll take over from here and try to undo the damage." T\I find this funny because the teacher thing thinks that she is lying about her father not teaching her how to read. I doubt that any first grader would lie about something about that.

1 comment:

Beck said...

Logan, I totally agree with what you said, in your post and in the comment you sent me. I think Boo is acaully a nice person who just appears to be very creepy. I really liked the quote you chose and yeah, it is really funny that the teacher would think a first grader would lie about something like that.