Friday, October 31, 2008


The one sense that stands out the most was when Jem, Scout, and Dill went over to Boo's house at night when they had to go under the fence. While reading the book I could just picture this happening to them. Reading this book you get a good sense of the characters and how they would act. This definitely help with this scene.
The scene in the movie was just what I thought it would be like from reading the book. The actors did a good job of showing how Dill, Scout, and Jem would react. The characters did a good job of showing them freaking out when the were trying to get back under the fence back to their house. I think the movie would be better if it was in color, but sense it was back in time it looks realistic for their time period.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This book shows that being nice to people is not hard. If you try to be nice it will come back and people will be nice to you. "The kitchen table was loaded with enough to bury the family". This is just after the trial of Tom. This shows just how is it is to be nice. Atticus just did a simple thing of being Tom's lawyer. Black people were grateful that he tried to win the case.
The book taught me that being nice is not hard. It is very simple to be kind and help out others. Atticus probably could teach allot of people something. Over all I think this was a really good book and cant wait to start the next one.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life lesson

One life lesson Jem and Scout learned is that treat everyone with respects and see everyone equally. This is said many times by Atticus but it mostly showed after the trial of Tom. All of the colored people respect Atticus and never say any thing negative to him.
"The kitchen table was loaded with enough to bury the family." This shows how much they are all thankful that Atticus tried his best to keep Tom alive and from getting convicted. This is a result of respect. Atticus did something nice for all the colored people so they did the same back. They gave them all they could in return.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


There are a lot of themes in the book. The one that must stand out is racism. A lot of characters you racism in this book. The characters show this theme by telling Jem and Scout that Atticus is an N-lover
A good example of racism is when Jem and Scout are at recess at school Cecil Jacobs was calling their dad and N-lover. "He announced in the schoolyard the day before that Scout Finch's daddy defended niggers" The kid probably didn't even know what it meant, he probably just herd his parents calling Atticus that she he decided to do it. Another person that showed racism in the book was aunt Alexandra's son. He basically did the same thing as Cecil. He was saying that Atticus was a N-lover. This all kind of means that they don't think Atticus should defend black people because everyone thinks that they lie, and that everyone should trust white people over black people.