Wednesday, October 8, 2008


There are a lot of themes in the book. The one that must stand out is racism. A lot of characters you racism in this book. The characters show this theme by telling Jem and Scout that Atticus is an N-lover
A good example of racism is when Jem and Scout are at recess at school Cecil Jacobs was calling their dad and N-lover. "He announced in the schoolyard the day before that Scout Finch's daddy defended niggers" The kid probably didn't even know what it meant, he probably just herd his parents calling Atticus that she he decided to do it. Another person that showed racism in the book was aunt Alexandra's son. He basically did the same thing as Cecil. He was saying that Atticus was a N-lover. This all kind of means that they don't think Atticus should defend black people because everyone thinks that they lie, and that everyone should trust white people over black people.

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