Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This book shows that being nice to people is not hard. If you try to be nice it will come back and people will be nice to you. "The kitchen table was loaded with enough to bury the family". This is just after the trial of Tom. This shows just how is it is to be nice. Atticus just did a simple thing of being Tom's lawyer. Black people were grateful that he tried to win the case.
The book taught me that being nice is not hard. It is very simple to be kind and help out others. Atticus probably could teach allot of people something. Over all I think this was a really good book and cant wait to start the next one.

1 comment:

BentleyT3 said...

I agree that if you treat someone good, they will treat you with respect. Just like Atticus did and the black communtiy gave him food. I can see you doing that to other people, you are so nice and kind a sweet to Beck! Your blog really made sense. I love you!
Bentley Tran.