Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life lesson

One life lesson Jem and Scout learned is that treat everyone with respects and see everyone equally. This is said many times by Atticus but it mostly showed after the trial of Tom. All of the colored people respect Atticus and never say any thing negative to him.
"The kitchen table was loaded with enough to bury the family." This shows how much they are all thankful that Atticus tried his best to keep Tom alive and from getting convicted. This is a result of respect. Atticus did something nice for all the colored people so they did the same back. They gave them all they could in return.

1 comment:

Beck said...

I agree with your post. I think that another lesson though is to not take atvantage of anyone who can not defend themselves in the situation like how bob ewell did that to tom. He knew tom had no chance of winning so he decided that would be a good person to blame the whole case on.